
Dynamic Acoustic Control behind Obstacles by Metamaterial


Ultrasound manipulation is growing in popularity with applications in mid-air haptics, on-body interaction, and levitation-based displays. Most of these applications share two key limitations: a) the complexity of the sound fields that can be produced is limited by the physical size of the transducers; and b) no obstacles can be present between the transducers and the control point. We proposed SoundBender, a hybrid system that overcomes these limitations by combining the versatility of phased arrays of Transducers(PATs) with the precision of acoustic metamaterials. In this project, we explored a new approach to design and implement such hybrid modulators (i.e. to create complex sound fields) and methods to manipulate the field dynamically (i.e. stretch, steer). We demonstrated our concept using self-bending beams enabling both levitation and tactile feedback around an obstacle and presented example applications enabled by SoundBender.

 Working Principle

 System Demonstration

Mid-air Haptics behind an obstacle

Dynamic Airflow Control

Levitation around an obstacle

 Main Video


Paper Mohd Adili Norasikin, Diego Martinez Plasencia, Spyros Polychronopoulos, Gianluca Memoli, Yutaka Tokuda, Sriram Subramanian. 2018. SoundBender: Dynamic Acoustic Control Behind Obstacles. In Proceedings of the 31st Annual ACM Symposium on User In terface Software and Technology (UIST'18), pp.247--259.   PDF Talk