Yutaka Tokuda creates and investigates spatially augmented reality display and new media interface technologies that blur the boundary between physical and digital media. In particular, he is interested in exploring 3D floating display systems and programmable materials that control the appearance, sound and tactile feeling of holographic or physical 3D objects. He has worked on multidisciplinary display and interface design projects in both academia and industry, including The University of Tokyo, University of Sussex, Utsunomiya University, Microsoft Research, Google and Panasonic. He received a PhD degree in Engineering at the Research Center of Advance Science and Technology (RCAST) in The University of Tokyo on March 2020 under the supervision of Prof. Michitaka Hirose.
PhD in Engineering, 2020
The University of Tokyo
MSc in Information Science and Technology, 2008
The University of Tokyo
BSc in Applied Physics (Honours), 2006
Purdue University
A Physically Reconfigurable Cell-composed Touchscreen
Dynamic Acoustic Control behind Obstacles by Metamaterial
A Visio-Tactile Display Using Actuated Liquid-Metal Droplets
Electrically Controllable Shape Deformation of Gallium-Indium Alloy Liquid Metal
Adaptive Shape Changing Fog Screens for 3D Spatial Interactions
Mid-air Projection Screen based on Polarized Retroreflective Imaging System
Walkable Holographic Telepresence System for a Senior Cloud Worker
Floating Particle Screen by Vortex Ring Mass Transport
A Large Retroreflective Propeller Screen for Digital Public Art